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  • blossomingprayer

Beauty is Objective + Prayer

True beauty comes only in the form of holiness and virtues. Given birth by the Lord, in obedience, trust and surrendering. When we find appeal in the world's fallenness, or in its evils, we are calling evil good or ‘beautiful’ to the flesh.

The worldly will praise what is bad, calling it the standards of art,, yet this is another trick of spiritual warfare. They rebel through artwork, then follows their clothing, which inevitably trickles down to their speech (music and media) and actions. Be careful what you consume, as it will shape our identity, make sure it's pleasing to God and assisting your path towards Him.

Our Father in Heaven,

Teach me to set my eyes to seek Your beauty continuously. Thank You for the art You bestow upon the world and for the blessings that shape us to Your holy image. Using Your strength, overshadow the evil-appeal over the world and renewal me. In Your will, I humbly ask it to be done.

In the name of Jesus Christ,


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