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Romantic Idolatry

Marriage is giving only one person the power to destroy you through the vulnerability of love.

Inevitably, everyone will hurt you due to their humanity and fallen nature, it’s about finding the right person for it. However, where romantic idolatry comes into play, they unfairly expect their partner to be perfect like Christ. There is no man or woman who can love you more nor be more devoted to you than God Himself.

Have you ever wondered by people leave good men/women when they make a mistake and have flaws? They simply failed to meet up to the expectations of godliness. When a people make another human their idol, they become resentful and leave to complete their never ending quest. They know exactly what they looking for but in all the wrong places.

So many of us, though we claim to know Jesus Christ, are still longing for our deepest desires to be fulfilled by someone else. We frantically seek the man of our dreams, giving ourselves completely to one relationship after the next, hoping that when we finally find the right guy our romantic fantasies will become reality.

Jesus Christ is your true Prince” I often say to young women, “the One who gave His very life just to be with you, the One who can rescue you from the dungeon you are in, the One who can transform you into a radiant princess, the One who can carry you away to His beautiful land to cherish you forever. He is the only One who can meet your deepest longings; He is the only One worthy of your entire heart, life, soul, and body—all you are and all you have. Jesus Christ is the Prince you should passionately pursue with all your heart.”

Yeah, sure, okay, whatever,” is the typical response, followed by, “but there's this guy I met.

-Authentic Beauty, Leslie Ludy

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