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  • blossomingprayer

Feelings... +Prayer

'The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?'

- Jeremiah 17:9

Feelings are a wonderful experience. How we can be moved to happiness or sadness from nearly anything, it truly makes us feel alive. However, feelings shouldn't dictate the truth, the gospel, nor should we shape God to honour our feelings. Feelings are better treated as signals or symptoms to an individual truth.

Trying to avoid any feeling can be detrimental too.Blessed is the (wo)man who can put down their pride or defensiveness and be corrected. The negative can build resilience, giving birth to the gifts of the spirit, such as patience. Individuals who experience depressed may not feel saved but how deceiving are feelings? Let us pray...

Our Father in Heaven,

Please help to increase our emotional intelligence; to treat emotions as an experience rather than the truth. Point us towards keeping our identity rested completely in You, the Holy Spirit and giving our flesh to the cross.

In the name of Jesus Christ,


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